Monday, May 16, 2011

Lunch with Larry North

Last week on Wednesday, my office had the privilege to have lunch with Larry North himself! Through work, we have memberships with Larry North Gym downtown Fort Worth; we have also been blessed with a trainer, Melissa Lukon, who was the person to set this lunch up. Being addicted to losing weight and getting fit, this new opportunity that was opened up to us has been an amazing one to say the least.
Over lunch, we (me and 5 girls I work with) went around the table and told Larry, Melissa and Randall (Melissa’s boyfriend and a trainer at Larry North Gym) about our journey and what we wanted to still achieve. I spoke of my 101lb weight loss and said that I wanted to tone up and tighten. As we went around the table, each girl had a different story… if it was they couldn’t gain weight, they couldn’t stop losing it, or they had issues with feeling guilty for eating the wrong type of foods… each one of us were still wanting the same outcome, to be healthy and to do it the correct way. Even though we are all on different roads of our journey, Larry had the same basic information for us. We needed to eat and we needed to eat the correct things in order to fuel our muscles which will in return help us have more energy and help us lose weight (or gain it).
I have been pumped since this luncheon and I start my new food plan and workout schedule today. No more 2 a days, eating 6 meals a day (not 3 meals and 3 snacks but actual small meals). Yes, I am nervous about doing something that I am not use to. Yes I am nervous that the scale will most likely be going up at 1st, instead of down like I want it. Yes I am nervous that I am not going to be doing as much cardio as I believe I am suppose to be doing… However, I know that if you want new results do something new and different. If you want to gain muscle, you will gain weight at the start because muscle weighs more than fat. And I know that while I needed cardio to lose the weight, I am down enough now to focus on gaining muscle and toning up and need to focus more on lifting than on running.  
I will keep you posted and let you know how my body transforms over the next month… Here goes nothing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Probably the best and most intelligent blog post from you so far. I see your growth over the recent months. Good Job!!!
