1st let me just say, I love this new doctor I have been seeing! My husband started seeing her as well and today when I went for a visit she asked about a couple personal things that Case had mentioned... like how Six Flags was for Mother's Day and if we have been able to go rock climbing yet. I love doctors that actually care about their patients.
I had been keeping a poop log... isn't that so much fun, knowing that after you go to the bathroom, you get to log it down in a journal. Ha! She reviewed that with me and was very pleased with my results. I had to have some blood work done again to make sure it is still all good after a month of taking the medication and I should have the results back tomorrow or Friday. She gave me another month worth of the medication and she wants to see me back after that. The good news is that she doesn't think I will have to go to a GI... Random, I wonder how many GI's are named Joe. Hahaha!
I am very happy this medication is working for me but I am also kinda bummed because I hate taking medication. However, I know I could back off the medication if I tried a but harder to eat the right foods from the list of foods she gave me. I will admit, I wasn't that great on avoiding the foods she asked me to avoid... I need to really get my diet in check again. Why does food have to taste so dang good?!
Oh and to answer the doctors questions, Six Flags for Mother's Day was a BLAST and I think we might make it a yearly tradition. And we haven't been able to go rock climbing yet, but it is in the books and we both look forward to that date night.