Partners in Crime
The President has his Vice President, a Pilot has a Co-Pilot, a Doctor has an Attendant, a Husband has his Wife, and well even Oprah has Gayle! In life, no matter how successful we are at any one thing, it seems we always need to have at least 1 person next to us saying "you got this, don't give up now!" Why should losing weight be any different?
Samantha & Lo (aka my Partner's in crime in my workouts): These two women have pushed me to my limits and back, and that was just in one hour of working out!
Samantha: one of my dearest friends who I work out with at the gym. We are so much alike, that it is scary! When I am working out with her, she makes me strive to go harder, go faster, go longer! Example: we have a run/walk program we do on the treadmill and we decided that the last run cycle we would run for 2 minutes at a 6.5 speed. Well 45 seconds in, she bumps her speed to a 7.0! HECK NO I AM NOT GOING TO LET HER BEAT ME, so I bumped mine up too!
Lo: my trainer/friend who has been down the same road I am going down now. Lo is the type of person who has seen all the holes in the road and knows that there is a hill ahead, so she pushes you because she knows you can make it! When people workout they don't like to be pushed outside their comfort zone, but to lose weight and tone, you have to be pushed outside that comfort zone and Lo is that person who pushes me! 2 words will sum it up: JUMPING JACKS! I HATE jumping jacks, so guess what Lo makes me do?!...
YOU!!! - Who is your Partner in crime? Do you have one? Do you need one? YES! I am a firm believer that God put us here on this Earth together so we can help each other, and who says that it has to stop when it comes to losing weight? Part of being healthy is having friends and family in your life to be there and to support you. It is so much easier to get up, get your booty to the gym, and push yourself past your limit when you know your friend is standing right next to you holding your hand and saying "you got this, don't give up now!"
Aww Jordan I love this!!! You know I would not have started my journey to get fit without you introducing me to the gym and showing me around to different exercises I could do! You always go above and beyond Jordana! You even laminated a schedule of machines and the weight needed on each one for me!!! Then you made sure that you went with me as much as possible to help me feel comfortable and to be supportive. I can honestly say that I would not be fit right now if it werent for your help!! I am the healthiest I have been since I was 12!!! lol I love it and i can look in the mirror now and go wow! I can sooo wear this now : ) I love you woman!!! xo