Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week 5 results

Finally, I lost more then a couple of ounces... this morning I was 186.6 pounds, that is a total of 2.2 pounds lost since last week!!! I would like to say thank you to the awful stomach bug I had yesterday, without it I dont think I would be this much closer to my goal. A strict diet of crackers and sprite really did my body good. Haha! For real though, that bug was AWFUL and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (you know who you are, lol). The only thing good about having that bug is it took my cravings for all the fat nasty food away and has left me scared to eat fatty foods again (for now). I am going to take it easy today and add soup to my cracker and sprite diet and hopefully I can keep it down.

Side note - The gym has been great. I am starting to feel like my old self again... Being able to go in there and lift weights, do some core work and get some cardio in, man it feels so right. Today I am going to stay on the bike a bit longer instead of doing my arm weights, boy oh boy are my arms sore as hell... but, I know sore is good (sometimes)!

Yay, I finally lost... I am one happy gal and even more so now that I am back in the gym. I know that I will be able to blast off the rest of this weight just in time for my birthday. Hey 164.5 pounds or lower, I am coming for you!

Oh and Happy Flag Day Y'all...!

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