Caleb, our 4 year old, has said from the beginning that we are having 2 babies. I don't think we are but this 1st sonogram will tell us if he is right. It would be cool to have twins, but I highly doubt that's the case.
This past week has been tough on me, I have been so sleepy to the point I could fall asleep anywhere. For example, normally I hate sleeping in the car and I never do it... well yesterday, I had a good 45 minute nap on our drive home. All I want to do is sleep!!! Sleep and eat carbs...
Seriously, I am on carb overload. Which isn't helping with my weight, ugh. I have tried to eat meats and veggies but I instantly become so sick and I even ended up in the bathroom throwing up during our visit to a steak house this past weekend. The smell of the meat and the 1/4 of a hamburger I ate did not agree with me!
I mentioned my weight... here is the deal. I want to be healthy and I want to continue to workout out. However, I will not be weighing myself anymore and I will not ask the doctor what I weigh. Why? I am the type of person who gains weight VERY quickly and I can lose it VERY quickly. I know that I am growing a person inside me and I know I have to gain some weight... I don't want to know how much I gain though because it will leave me defeated and bummed out, those are feelings I don't want to feel this time around. I want to enjoy being pregnant and love every minute of it that I can.
I don't plan on pigging out every meal or eating cookies every meal, but I will have a cookie here and there. I plan on continuing at the gym at least 3-5 times a week and hopefully more as the pregnancy goes on and the tiredness starts to fade. Like right now, I rather go to sleep then workout... and I just woke up! Ha!
Thank you for taking this journey with me and my little family. We are so excited and cant wait to welcome our new little addition to the world early next year!!!
I hope you all have a happy and healthy Monday and I will keep you posted on if Caleb was right about the twins... hahaha!
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