The whole drive over there, I sat there talking to my husband and silently praying in my head. God please let there be a baby. God please let there be a heartbeat. God... please!
We arrived, met up with my Momma and Casey's Momma and checked in. We sat there joking around, talking about Halloween, catching up... I sat there silently praying in my head. God please let this be real. God please let me hold this sweet baby in my arms. God... please!
She called our names and we all stood up to follow. Well, she refused to let my Momma and Mother in Law in the room at 1st, which kind of pissed me off. She said it was because if she didn't find anything, she wanted us to have privacy. I told her I wanted my Momma in the room... no, I needed my Momma in the room. After my last miscarriage, I felt so alone and just wanted my Momma. She still said no. I was not too happy with this lady. Heck Casey stood up once during the sonogram (before she turned the monitor to us) and she instantly told him to sit down because she didn't like people watching over her shoulder. Umm yeah, he was standing up to adjust the boys and give his nervous wife a kiss... chill out lady!!
She started the sonogram and said she would not turn the monitor to us unless she found a baby... Unless she found a baby? Really, did you have to put it like that?! Kind of annoyed me! I was highly annoyed at this time so everything she said, annoyed me! I took a deep breath and laid back.
Casey held my hand and I laid there silently begging God for her to be able to turn the monitor to us. I felt like a CD on repeat, playing the same prayer over and over. The same prayer I have been praying since we saw those 2 pink lines on October 14th. Please God... please let there be a baby!!
The sonogram tech said "Okay, go get the Moms... they can come in now." After she said that, I almost lost it crying with tears of joy and had to ask "So, you found a baby?!" We sat there and stared at that sweet little dot for as long as the tech let us, which wasn't too long. We saw the cute little flutter of a heartbeat and was told it was around 77 which is good for right at 6 weeks. The baby is measuring right on time too!
I was so thrilled and over the moon. I started thanking God right then and there!! What a blessing!!!
I have been classified as a high risk pregnancy so I will be closely watched and will have more appointments than normal. Actually I go back in next Friday for another check up. The doctor will do the sonogram herself and hopefully she will let us listen to the heartbeat instead of just seeing it.
Also, being a high risk pregnancy they are going to do a Harmony blood test around 10 weeks to check the DNA of the baby. At that time, they will also be able to tell the gender... through my blood!!! How cool is that?! It does take about 10 days to get the results back so we should know the gender around the 2nd week of December. Oh I am so excited!!!
Introducing the cutest little black and white dot you will ever see..
Cora Mae Flowers ~ OR ~ Dax Marshall Flowers!!!