Since I am a high risk pregnancy, coming off a miscarriage in July, I have decided to only take what the doctor tells me to take until after my 1st trimester. Which is my prenatal vitamins and progesterone pill. This means bye-bye Thrive!
Yes, I have done my research and it is safe for pregnant women to take the capsules but it is not recommended using the patch and the shake. This is due to the amount of (natural) caffeine in both of those products.
I have been off Thrive for a week now and boy can I tell a difference. I can feel the aches in my knee again (boo). I am exhausted (which I am also chalking up to the pregnancy). And I have ZERO energy (partly due to the baby too).
I am ready for my 1st trimester to be over so I can start using the capsules again and I look forward to re-starting the drinks and patches again this next summer after the bambino comes!
If you are interested in trying the product, check out my link...
And remember, I am always here if you have questions!!! This product is something I fully back and think the world of... not just for weight loss reasons but just because it makes me feel whole again.
I wanted to follow up and ask if you used Thrive while breastfeeding?
ReplyDeleteI only breastfed for 3 weeks and didn't use thrive during that time. I haven't done any research on if you can or not, sorry.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSorry I wasn't able to read this comment.
DeleteI had said that dr O'Connor who speaks for le-vel a lot says it's only safe to take the shakes while pregnant. Have you heard otherwise. I am pregnant and would love to be back to taking the capsules. But I'm afraid because of all the natural stimulants
DeleteI have also heard the only the shakes are safe because there is no caffeine in the shakes just the pills and patches I thought all the shake was, was just vitamins that aren't synthetic. I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and will be taking the lifestyle mix to my dr next week :)
DeleteWhen you're pregnant, doctors tell you to limit your caffeine intake. I spoke with my doctor about it and he said that it would be OK to take one of the pills, shake, and patch. But speak to your doctor about your personal limitations. Everybody is different.
DeleteCan you tell me when you stopped taking thrive? Was it when you found out you were pregnant? How is your baby?
ReplyDeleteI stopped very early in my pregnancy. Due to budget and my doctors orders. My baby boy was born at 38 weeks very healthy and as cute as a button!
DeleteCan you take thrive and prenatal vitamins
ReplyDeleteCan anyone with experience help, Im trying to conceive, should I stop the capsules, shake and patch? or will thrive affect my fertility?
ReplyDeleteI just began my thrive and also love it. But I'm afraid I may have to stop use. I'm only a day late, but I'm usually on time every month. Not sure if I should continue my thrive until I know for sure, or cease use just in case so I dont cause any issues.!?!? What would you suggest.?
ReplyDeleteCan you take Thrive Boost while you are pregnant?
ReplyDeleteThe regular DFT patch doesn't have any caffeine....So not sure why it wouldn't be safe since the reason given was that it had caffeine in it
ReplyDeleteThe capsules have more then the shakes by pretty much double. So this seems backwards to me. Obviously I can understand your reasoning with just coming from a miscarriage though.
ReplyDeleteThe patch and capsules contain white Willow bark, a medicinal herb similar to aspirin, and has anticoagulant properties, making it a possible risk to pregnant women. From what I've researched there isn't enough to cause harm in the either, but it's hard to say as the exact dosage isn't listed on the nutritional info. The patch also contains Green Coffee Bean Extract, which does contain caffeine. It's really up to the doctor and what they think since ingredients are cautioned against during pregnancy. I am also a Thrive user and promoter... and pregnant :)
ReplyDeleteIs it safe for me to take a prenatal vitamin , biotin tablet and thrive all together or should I stop taking one or the other?? I'm not pregnant but the prenatal vitamins are y'all that I had laying around the house..
DeleteMandy, I am as well a thrive user and promoter....also pregnant. How far along are you and where did you find the research about the willow bark being too small to matter.... I'm not wanting you to quit as I need the energy but I'm worried a bit.
ReplyDeleteLol, typo.... I meant to say I am not wanting to quit.... I didn't mean to put you in thier
DeleteAre you still using thrive? I recently found out im pregnant and quit for a couple weeks but I was SO tired so I started back with the capsules and shake
DeleteDoes anyone have an update on thriving while breastfeeding??
ReplyDeleteMy doctor told me the capsules were safe for breastfeeding. I did not ask about the patch or shake. The capsules help my migraines, so I'm hoping they're safer for my daughter than a prescription medication would be.
ReplyDeleteIs there any risk to just stopping thrive abruptly when finding out your pregnant?
ReplyDeleteI have been pregnant before and I drank soda all day every day. I just found out lastnight I'm pregnant again, what I'm asking is since I do not drink soda would the caffeine even out as if I did drink soda?
ReplyDeletePregnancy protein powder supplement is important for a pregnant women the best protein powder describes the health of baby and mom as well.
ReplyDeletePregnancy is an incredible time for any woman. Yes, even the morning sickness, heartburn and insomnia Pregnancy Protein powder supplement
ReplyDeleteWhat about if I'm trying to get prego. I'm starting to take prenatal pills now. Will I be overloading myself with the thrive also or is it ok to take both since I'm just "trying" at this point???
ReplyDeleteI’m so glad i found this thread. I have been taking Thrive for months and quit when i found out i was pregnant in February. I am now 14 weeks, no/low risk pregnancy. My doctor doesn’t have any concerns since my first pregnancy was smooth. He has looked over the labels and he said i will be ok to take thrive.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone use all 3 steps?
Or maybe just the capsules and the shake each day? I only take 1 capsule and half the shake so I’m thinking I’ll be okay. Just wanted to get a more recent answer since thrive seems to be bigger.
No soda or coffee so extra caffeine isn’t an issue.
I just need some energy back, i miss my thrive :(
Thanks Mama’s!
I was using Thrive when I conceived I was trying for months with no luck and not sure if it is a coincidence or not but I restarted thrive and was pregnant 7 weeks later. I decided to not take thrive during the first trimester (only because I haven’t found enough people commenting to satisfy my questions) I would love to hear about anyone who used thrive whilst pregnant. I plan to take one pill and do my shake as soon as I get to 13 weeks and am out of the “danger zone”. I wish this was researched more because I really love Thrive and want to keep using it
ReplyDeleteI have been taking just the thrive vitamins forever and a day. I was taking my packet of thrive vitamins once a day as usual, sometimes two, as I had no energy during the first teimester. Now I’m having a missed miscarriage at ten weeks but it probably just has to do with my age. I’m 43!!! So I was high risk. Hopefully it had nothing to do with the thrive. The only thing that I’m thinking now was he synephrine or bitter orange in it. I believe that is the appetite suppressant, I don’t know enough about it but will sure be researching it much more now. Good luck to all mammas!!
ReplyDeleteAny update recently from anyone
ReplyDeleteI used thrive my entire pregnancy and still am my baby's 5 weeks healthy and cute as hell
ReplyDeleteI had never even considered it could be bad my Dr and wic knew i was drinking the shakes and taking 1 vitmamin each morning