People ask me ALL the time how I lost my weight and if I have any tips to help them lose weight. I am more than happy to tell them my secret, hard work. Most people then turn around and give me an excuse to why they can't put forth the effort it takes to get the results they want. I have heard almost every excuse in the book and so I have put together this list of some of my favorite excuses and what my response back is...
Excuse | What I say back |
I don’t have time to go to the gym | Make time! If there is a will, there is a way! |
I don’t have the money for a gym membership | Its $20-$40 a month, cut out a splurge (smoking, eating out, drinking, shopping, etc) and you will be able to afford a membership. Or use nature, or a workout DVD. |
I am a single mother and work full time. | And your excuse is…? |
I just have to much weight to lose… | Umm okay, so go to the gym and start losing it! |
I don’t know how to use any of the machine | Talk to a trainer, they are there to help you. Most gyms even give you one free mini sessions. |
I am going to start on Monday | Why wait? Do it now, you never know what tomorrow may bring. |
I have a hurt knee | Go to Wal-Mart, get a brace, and go to the gym and do low impact exercises. Most gyms even have pools you can use. |
People will stare at me if I go to the gym and workout because I am overweight | I promise you this, people at the gym are NOT worried about you. They are so consumed with their workout they probably don’t even see you. And if they do see you, they might think "Wow look at that person coming in here and wanting to lose weight, I could've never done that when I was bigger." |
I am to old | Life isn't over til its over, why not go and add more years to your life?! |
I don’t have any friends to workout with | Go to the gym and make new friends… That’s how I met Ashley, Berns, Lo, and all my Sweat Sisters that train with Lo! |
*This one is personal and may upset someone close to me but its an excuse that I am tired of hearing* ---- I am a cancer survivor and don’t have the energy to workout | Even more of a reason TO workout. Start out slow and build back up your endurance. |
I am already skinny, I don’t need to workout. | Just because you are skinny doesn’t mean you are healthy or in shape. Come take a run with me and then you will change your mind! |
I feel guilty leaving my child in the kids club for an hour or two because they were in daycare all day. | I promise you, your child wont remember it and actually they might have fun. Plus the more you workout, the healthier you become, the healthier you are, the more years you add to your life. That means you are trading an hour a day to live longer to be in their lives longer. |
I get bored at the gym | Try a new workout program, a class, change your music on your iPod, watch TV while you workout… Do not let boredom win! |
I just don’t like working out | Well you know what, I don’t like going to work every day but I know that it will make my future better for me and Caleb so I go. Same with the gym… |
REMEBER this famous quote (pardon my french):
"Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!"