Friday, May 24, 2013

Wedding Day Arms

Today I woke up early (on my day off) and headed to the gym with my sister! I am making a comeback people, since re-starting with Lo (my wonderful trainer) I have had this fire inside of me to really buckle down and focus 110% instead of the 85% I have been focused.
We ended up missing spin class so we decided to walk for 30 minutes... the treadmills have a program that is called virtual guide. It is where the treadmill will play you a movie of you walking in a fun city, today I walked in Italy. The program is filled with hills... I mean FILLED with hills. I was a hot and sweaty mess after all was said and done. We didn't stop there, we decided to do arms and back. My back is one of the 4 areas I am trying to focus on for my dress to zip up by July 28th.
I pulled up one of my favorite arm works out off Pinterest called Wedding Day Arms! You should try it out (picture is below). I ended up doing 3 rounds of this (skipping the push-ups because of my knee and the triceps dips because I over looked them on accident **wink wink***) and by the 3rd round, the weights were very heavy and I was ready for it to be over.... that is what I call a workout!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thank you to my readers

Good morning y'all...

I just wanted to take a minute and tell all my readers THANK YOU! You guys and girls are what keep me going every day. I love getting random text messages, phone calls, comments, emails, etc. asking questions about clean eating, working out, how I stay motivated and much more. Every one of those sweet comments and questions, helps push me to the next level of my weight loss journey.

Losing weight for me is about being skinny. It isn't about fitting into a certain pair of shorts or even into my wedding dress... it is about so much more! There is so much more to life then the number on the scale or what size you are. Plus no where in the bible does it say you have to be skinny (instead it talks about taking care of our temples). My mission in life is to help those around me and through my weight loss journey, I have been blessed to be able to do just that.

Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading my blogs! It really means the world to me!

Be the change you want to see in the world!!!

I love you all, no matter where you are at in your weight loss journey!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back where I belong

Man its been only 10 days since I last blogged... I have been getting so side tracked with the wedding here lately. Every ounce of free time I have, goes to making something for the wedding.

However, I am taking a few minutes for myself to blog and get a few thoughts out of my head (its getting crowded up there)...

1. I am SO happy that part of my Mother's Day present was for me to go back to my trainer, Lo! She might yell and might be disappointed in me at times, however that is exactly what I need from her!

2. I have dreamed of taking my bridals in a field of sunflowers (in memory of my Gaga), well in Texas the sunflowers bloom in July! That means I need my dress to zip up by July 28th. I have 2 1/2 months to get my dress to zip... that leads me to #3.

3. I am not going to cheat at all until after my bridals. That is a whopping 73 days of eating 110% clean. I can do this. If I do have to go to a restaurant I will do my research before hand and chose wisely.

4. Did I mention I am back with Lo?! EEK I am so excited... we will be focusing on my core, hips, back and butt... those are the areas that if I really focus on them, my dress WILL zip all the way.

Well, that is all I have today! I hope you are all doing well...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Time to brag on my man

We restarted the last 2 weeks of Insanity last night after being off the last 2 weeks due to my injured ankle. We are determined to finish it strong and then re-start month 2 again. I felt great getting back to working out, even if I had to do everything low impact.

I want to take a minute and brag on my man. I know I said I was going to wait to show you his start to month 1 photo but since we are behind schedule on finishing up, I wanted to go ahead and share it with you. Casey has done so great the past couple of months... actually since we started dating he has lost a total of 53 pounds! It is all about eating clean and getting your body moving. He has changed his entire life style since we started dating.... he went from being a bachelor who slept, ate out, drank beer and played video games to a future husband and step dad who helps cook, plays with Caleb, takes walks to the park and workouts with me. I couldn't be more proud of this man! He inspires me every time I see him and he makes me want to strive to be a better (healthy and skinnier) person!

Here is his 1 month difference from Insanity! I cant wait to see his 2 month pictures!!

We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them! You HAVE to change your MIND or your physical change wont last!