Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Weekend is for family!

This weekend was a much needed one for sure! Friday was supposed to be Caleb's field day at school but it was raining... no it was POURING! I had taken a vacation day and decided to just stay off and enjoy the rainy day at home. It was actually very peaceful and I loved every minute of it. 

Friday night we went to watch our nephew, Landon, graduate from pre-school. It was a cute and a quick little performance and we were back home within an hour tops. Case and I did a quick change of clothes and we were back out the door, this time without the boys, to meet up with some friends for dinner and chatting (the guys played pool instead of sitting there listening to us ladies gab away). I am so thankful for our date nights. Our schedules get hectic and I really cherish the time we have together without the kids... our marriage comes first, always has and always will. I really feel like it helps us be a better couple, better individuals and better parents. 

Sunday we were supposed to have a family cookout and swimming at our house but Casey woke up SICK SICK SICK! He never is sick. I think he has been sick maybe 3 times in the past 4 1/2 years we have been together. He actually didn't wake up at all Sunday, he woke up long enough for me to load him up with medicine and he fell back to sleep. He was saying his ear was hurting and this throat was raw and he tossed all night because of the pain. I drugged him with a sleeping pill and he was out for the next 12 hours... in that time, Dynamite Dax (our little monster child) managed to bust his lip open, bust his chin open and cause me to have an emotional break down!! Caleb was NEVER like this as a baby/toddler... having a wild child is all new to me! Like as I am writing this I hear crashing from the playroom but no one is crying (yet) so I am going to continue to ignore it. 

I do have to say I am thankful the cookout was cancelled because I wasn't tempted to eat off my meal plan. Actually my meal plans have been crazy this week/weekend. I have been meeting my macros but I haven't really had a plan per say. We are kind of in the stage, "find whatever you can in the fridge and make a meal". So I came up with a breakfast quesadilla, it was actually really yummy! 

By Monday, Casey was feeling a tad bit better, or at least better enough to get out of bed. We stayed home and let Caleb swim and Dax and I even joined him. My sister in law, Sarah, and our nephew, Landon, came over and we fired up the grill at dinner time. The water was still a bit chilly but it is on the verge of warming up!! Come on Summer, we are ready for ya!

My closet was a MESS, clothes everywhere, and I couldn't find my bathing suit top so I just wore the sports bra I had on. Hey, it worked! I am really digging my new chair floats we found at Aldi for $5.00!! I can see many summer days spent in these chairs in the pool... maybe next time I will have a drink (or 2) in my cup holders!! 

We ended the weekend with me using the grill for the first time ever! I am pretty proud of myself too. I grilled up chicken and asparagus for this week, as well as hot dogs and hot links for my boys. I did drop some asparagus in the grill but oh well, I am a newbie at this...And let me tell ya, the chicken is SO juicy and yummy!!! What is your favorite thing to grill?


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