Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just popping in

Just popping in for a few seconds... I have been very sick! Started getting sick last week and Friday night while at my Christmas party, it got worse! I slept all day Sunday (while the best boyfriend ever took care of Caleb) then tried to work Monday but made it to only 9:30 am (Casey came to the rescue again when he picked up Caleb for me so I could go home and rest more).

I feel better today and plan on being back at the gym tomorrow. I am not expecting any kind of loss this week because I haven't been the best at watching what I am eating. I have had no energy to cook, go grocery shopping or anything so I have been eating whatever Casey stops and gets for me... Not the best but hey when you are sick calories don't count, right?! I wish...

I will update ya tomorrow on how the Christmas party went (my dress) and how week 5 weigh in goes!

Hope y'all are doing well and I hope all of you are staying healthy! Remember your Vitamin C people!!!

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