Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kindergarten Graduate

Tuesday Caleb graduated Kindergarten!!

(My sweet  husband won us 5 reserved front row seats and forgot to tell me, so the day before the graduation Caleb's teacher told me and I was so excited!!) 

This is the day I have been dreading all year long... it means that my baby boy is growing up (way too quickly). The awards started at 7:45am... that means I had to take time off work, and I already work part-time so the day ended up being a vacation day for me. Casey has the mornings off so he was able to come with no problem, Grammy Joy came with us and Caleb's Dad, step-mom, brother and sister showed up as well.
(Class of 2028!!!)

Funny thing about Caleb, he loves to be the center of attention (just like his momma) BUT when he gets in front of a crowd of tons of people he doesn't know, he gets very shy (not like his momma). The entire performance he was hiding his face and laughing...

I am so glad that Clint, Caleb's dad, was able to attend. We don't have the perfect relationship but we agreed a LONG time ago that we were going to do the best we could to make sure Caleb never felt like he had to choose between us. That we would be cordial to each other so there is no tension at events and birthday parties... and we agreed that every year we would take a mom, dad and Caleb photo... he deserves that and it is just a few minutes of our time. I know he cherishes his photos like this!

Can we stop and talk about this amazing woman?! She has been a life saver this kindergarten year. I couldn't have done this year without her. My favorite memory is when I was sitting in the Target parking lot on the phone crying, bawling, sobbing my eyes out because Caleb was struggling with reading. She sat there and reassured me everything would be okay. She has been sent from heaven and loves my boy so much! Paige, thank you for being you!!! And thank you for letting me be your room mom, I have loved every party and task I was able to do!!

I do have to say, I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. I did cry though. My big boy is headed to First Grade... at a new school! I cant wait to see what is in his future.

Caleb Scott, the world is yours kiddo and Momma is SO very proud of you. I love you my little chubba bubba!!!


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