Casey and I decided to start a reboot juicing detox! This wasnt something that happened over night by any means. We received a juicer from our bridal shower and we were on the fence about keeping it. It came with a DVD (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead) and so we decided to watch the movie before making up our minds on what to do with the juicer.
After watching the movie, we were both hooked! We started to juice the Bountiful Basket we both that day and play around with everything. It was very fun and tasty! That night Casey and I were discussing doing a reboot and just cleaning out our bodies of all the toxins and chemicals... plus I have a few issues with my body (I will blog about these later) and we both did some research and found that this detox will help with those problems. At this point, I am willing to try anything! Please note that we are NOT doing this as a weight loss thing. Yes, I know we will probably lose weight (which is a plus) but we aren't focusing on that. We are really just wanting to clean out all the gunk we have put inside.
We found the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead website and started to look at some of the reboots he has listed on there for free. We decided to start off slow and do a 15 day reboot... here is how he has broken it down (SO easy)...
Days 1-5
We start introducing juicing into our lives while still eating clean foods (salads, fruits and veggies)
Days 6-10
We go 100% juicing all day long
The plan is broken out by 5 days at a time and you are provided a menu for each set of 5 days, along with a grocery list and recipes. It is VERY simple to follow and was basically idiot proof for us to use at the store! Speaking of the store, I bet you are wondering how much we spent? Well, we went to Aldi's and bought the majority of the items there. We had some of the spices already at home so we saved there and then went to Kroger for the rest, next time we are going to Wal-Mart instead of Krogers because we could have saved some money but that is what was close and easy for us at the time.
We ended up spending $100 for 5 days for 2 people which averages out to $10 a day per person... pretty sure we have both been guilty of spending WAY more than $10 just on lunch in Downtown Fort Worth. Our next set of 5 days starts Friday so I am going to go shopping on Thursday after work. Hoping to save a bit more with going to Wal-Mart... we shall see!
Yes, the picture shows bread and cinnamon rolls... what it doesn't show is cheese, muffins and batteries too! These things are NOT for us and was not counted in the total of the $100. This stuff is for Caleb. He gets 1 special sugary treat and he always picks a breakfast item. He is also on a sandwich kick right now (easy for us) so that is what the bread and cheese is for. The muffin are semi healthy and are his afternoon snack... You might wonder if he is going to be a part of the juicing fun?! Well, YES!!! We plan on giving him a small drink of our juices as we do them. If he likes them great, if he doesn't then oh well. It inst about forcing this on him, but about introducing a new way to eat... why not start him young!!
Alright, well that is about all I have for now... if you want to follow my journey (I will be doing a video blog each day) then check out my Facebook Fitness page ( and follow along!
I hope you all have a happy and healthy weekend!!! Oh and GO SEAHAWKS!!!