Whew! That was a GREAT vacation for sure... Every year Casey and I take a "Mommy and Daddy" trip and it is helps us unwind and reconnect without having the hassles of the world around us 24/7. I look forward to our vacations every years since we started taking them. This is our 2nd anniversary trip, but our 4th solo (without kids) vacation.
Isn't he so cute reading my blog!!! I wish he wouldn't read it in front of me though, makes me feel awkward.
This year we decided to hit up Vegas! I have already been but Casey hadn't and he really wanted to see what all the hype was about. The first night we decided to lay down and take a nap before dinner... we ended up sleeping through our alarms and sleeping 12 straight hours! We missed our entire first night of Vegas! Haha! Oops!!!
The next day I hit the gym and Casey went down stairs to start gambling! I decided that even though we were on vacation, I need to stay on track with my work outs... more now then ever, since we will be eating tons of food. I am proud to say I completed each of my LiveFit workouts!!!
We walked all over the strip... I mean ALL OVER IT!!! We finally decided to purchase bus passes and use them when we started to get tired, or when I got hangry and needed to eat... which happened a lot. We would be going non-stop and all of the sudden it would hit me. I am so use to eating every 3 hours and going 4-6 hours in between meals threw my body off.
My favorite part of the trip centered around this beautiful Frozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity 3! Oh my gosh... it was AMAZING!!! I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not, but WOW!!! If you get one, make sure to add peanut butter... trust me on this one! I cant wait to hit up New York this summer and stop at the original location.
That evening Casey and I went down to Fremont Street (thanks to our wonderful bus passes) and had dinner and then zip lined over the sea of GREEN people (it was St. Paddy's Day)!!! We did the big zip line and I wont lie, I cried and moaned the entire way to the top. I am scared to death of heights, but I love the thrill of the experience... rock meet hard place. Once I was in place and ready to fly, I was okay. It was such a FUN experience and one I urge you to try if you are ever on Fremont!!
I hate taking tours of places. I am not a big history buff and I really don't care much to go and pay to hear about places when I can just Google it on my phone. Casey on the other hand LOVES tours and history... so since it is his anniversary too, I have agreed we will do one tour every trip and I promise not to b**ch too much... as long as he feeds me. This trip we chose to do the Hoover Dam... my favorite part was being able to straddle the Arizona and Nevada state line... and eating a Dam chicken wrap afterwards!!!
Our last night we bought tickets to see Blue Man Group. We really wanted to see Zumanity but all of the Cirque du Soleil were off that night for a charity event... bummer for us, but hopefully they were able to raise tons of money! Casey talked me into wearing my OllieMarieBoutique top as a dress. It isn't something I would wear on a daily basis but we were in Vegas so... I rocked it. I did feel a little self conscience but oh well, my lady parts didn't show so we were all good in the hood. Please note, I am 5'10... this top might be longer on other people... tall girls, not so much!
Blue Man Group turned out to be TONS of fun, even though those blue guys FREAK me out. I still have pieces of toilet paper in my purse... haha!!!
The plane ride back was VERY rough and left me sick to my stomach. I ended up throwing up when we went to get our bags. I went home and slept for a couple of hours and felt better. Thank goodness! I weighed myself this morning and was up 6 pounds exactly on the scale. I gain weight so easily... but I know its mostly water weight and will come off rather quickly. My goal is to be back to 193.6 or lower by the end of the week so I can start working on my next big goal of 189.9!!!
I hope you all had a GREAT Spring Break... it is ALMOST summer time!!!!!

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