Monday, November 16, 2015

New Goal Outfit

I love hanging my goal outfits up in the kitchen to serve as a reminder of why I shouldn't pig out every night. It has been very helpful with keeping me on track. I have had jeans hanging up, I have had shorts hanging up, I have had dresses hanging up and now I have a new outfit hanging there to help keep me on track (and out of the fridge).

The last outfit hanging up there was my Thanksgiving jean dress. It was WAY too tight and now it its actually a tad bit loose on me. Its okay though, I am going to pair it with a chunky belt so it really doesn't matter all that much. Plus it will give me some wiggle room while I enjoy my cheat meal.

Now that I can fit into the dress, I needed something else to aim for, something else hanging there to motivate me. I ordered a shirt from OllieMarie and when I received it, it was a big snug. The arms are tight, the belly is tight, it is too short and well it just doesn't fit me.... YET! My goal is to be able to wear this by Christmas. So that gives me a little over 5 weeks to bust my ass and lose some more body fat. It helps that starting November 27th (the day after Thanksgiving) I am starting Kelsey Byers 4 Week Fat Blaster... if you want to join me, click HERE and buy the program and then email me at or on Facebook and I will send you the link to the accountability group I have set up! 

When I decided to try on the top for my progress photos, I just pulled out a random pair of shorts and put them on. These shorts use to be VERY baggy on me and they were my favorite shorts to just lounge in... so I decided to add these to the wall in the bathroom to help remind me why I get up every morning at 4:30 to workout. I will fit back into these shorts too... Mark my word!


1 comment:

  1. I freaking LOVE this!!!!!! I am going to do the same thing! I seriously have a ton of clothes that I can't currently fit into...but I'm going to pick the ONE brand new top (similar to yours) and hang it so I can see it. I wanna get in it by Christmas too!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! You can do it!!!!!
