Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tackling Easter

We will be hosting Easter at our house this year, which means we will have all our family and friends over to celebrate... it also means that they will be bringing sugary treats into our house and most likely leaving them there!!! I am a firm believer that a nibble here and there will not hurt you, you only get one life so do not deprive yourself. However, I am also a firm believer that if you do not make a plan before going into a nibble of something you love, you will most likely have more than just a nibble. Last night, we made a plan.

Our plan - Caleb is not really a huge sweet eater, neither is Casey... me on the other hand, I could eat sweets 24/7. We decided that since I am the only sweet eater and I am the one who really wants to stay focused on my weight loss, we will just get rid of any and every piece of sugary treats left at our house come Sunday night. Here is what we will be doing...

1. Caleb's Easter basket from the Easter Bunny will be full of Summer Fun - swim trunks, floaties, beach towel, pool toys, etc. There will be not one ounce of candy in the basket what so ever!

2. Any and all candy Caleb receives from family and friends, Caleb will have his choice of keeping a few pieces and the rest will be taken to work with Casey on Sunday night and left in his break room.

3. Any and all sugary desserts left at our house on Sunday night after our family and friends leave will also be taken to work with Casey on Sunday night to be left in his break room. Casey is stronger then I am and so he wont be tempted, where as I would be.

You have to have a plan to succeed and you bet your bottom, I will succeed when it comes to my next weigh in with the Biggest Loser Competition I am in.

***I also remember last year that there was a dentist office around the DFW metroplex that you can donate all leftover Easter Candy (and Halloween Candy) and they will ship it out to the troops. It might be worth looking into if you feel guilty just throwing it away.***

I just want to take a few minutes and give a shout out to my friend Jesus... He loved each of us so much (before we were even created) that he died on the cross and rose again! And a BIG FAT thank you to our God for giving his only son to die for our sins! Our God is an Awesome God!!! Happy Easter Y'all!!

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